
Monday, January 23, 2023

Questions : Our Earth and Sky - Solar System

 Our earth and Sky - Solar System

Q.1. What do you observe by looking at the sky?

Q.2. What Twinkle at the night in the sky?

Q.3. What are stars?

Q.4. Why can't we see the stars during the daytime?

Q.5. What is the sun?

Q.6. What is the distance between the sun and the earth?

Q.7. What are planets?

Q.8. Planets are Luminous or non luminous.

Q.9. How many planets are there in the family of the Sun?

Q.10. What is an Orbit?

Q.11. How many planets can we see without the help of a telescope?

Q.12. Which is the closest planet to the sun?

Q.13. Why is Mercury not visible from the Earth during the daytime?

Q.14. Why is Mercury not visible from the Earth during the night?

Q.15. When is Mercury visible from the Earth?

Q.16. Does Mercury have a satellite?

Q.17. Why does Mercury not support life?

Q.18. Which planet looks brightest to people on earth?

Q.19. Which planet is visible during the day?

Q.20. Which planet is known as the evening star or the morning star?

Q.21. Name the main gases present in the atmosphere of the earth?

Q.22. Name the natural satellite of the earth?

Q.23. Which is the closest planet to the earth?

Q.24. Which gas dominates the atmosphere of Mars?

Q.25. How many satellites does Mars have?

Q.26. What is the colour of Mars in the night sky?

NiQ.27. Name the largest planet in the solar system?

Q.28. How many times is the mass of Jupiter than that of Earth?

Q.29. Is the diameter of Jupiter more than that of earth?

Q.30. The surface of Jupiter is made up of which gases?

Q.31. Why is Jupiter visible with the naked eye?

Q.32. How many satellites do Jupiter have?

Q.33. Which is the second largest planet of the solar system?

Q.34. How many times is the mass of Saturn than that of the earth?

Q.35. The rings of Saturn are made up of which material?

Q.36. How many satellites does Saturn have?

Q.37. Can Saturn be seen with the naked eye?

Q.38. Name the third largest planet of the solar system?

Q.39. Name the planet which rotates on its axis from east to west?

Q.40. What is the main constituent of the atmosphere of the Uranus?

Q.41. How many satellites do Uranus have?

Q.42. Neptune is situated how many times as far as the sun?

Q.43. What is the appearance of Neptune?

Q.44. How many satellites do Neptune have?

Q.45. What led to the exclusion of Pluto from the category of planets?

Q.46. Pluto is reclassified to which category?

Q.47. How many moons does Pluto have?

Q.48. What are satellites?

Q.49. Name the natural satellite of the earth?

Q.50. How does the Moon shine?

Q.51. What can be called as the king of the night?

Q.52. What are the phases of the Moon?

Q.53. What is the name of the Moon when we see the full face of the Moon?

Q.54. What is the New Moon?

Q.55. What is the increasing shape of the Moon called?

Q.56. What is the decreasing shape of the Moon called?

Q.57. How many natural satellites does the Sun have?

Q.58. What is called a non luminous body?

Q.59. What is a subsidiary satellite?

Q.60. How do subsidiary satellites shine?

Q.61. In how many days does the moon complete one revolution around the earth?

Q.62. What is the name of the man made satellites?

Q.63. Name one spacecraft launched by India.

Q.64. Where was Aryabhatt built?

Q.65. When was Bhaskara sent into space?

Q.66. What was the purpose of sending Bhaskara?

Q.67. What was the purpose of INSAT-1A?

Q.68. What are the uses of artificial satellites?

Q.69. What are comets?

Q.70. Name one comet? Write a few words about it?

Q.71. What are asteroids?

Q.72. Where do asteroids Orbit the sun?

Questions : Force, Work and Energy

 Force, Work and Energy

Q.1. Name some objects moving on the road.

Q.2. How does a rickshaw, a train and  a cart move?

Q.3. What is a force?

Q.4. What can a force do?

Q.5. Give an incident where force makes an object move.

Q.6. Give an incident where force stops a moving object?

Q.7. Give an incident where force increases the speed of a moving body?

Q.8. What is work?

Q.9. What is energy?

Q.10. What is muscular energy?

Q.11. What is the main source of heat?

Q.12. Name some fuels?

Q.13. Which fuel is used for the automobiles to run?

Q.14. What is fuel energy?

Q.15. What are the uses of wind energy?

Q.16. How can water be used to produce electricity?

Q.17. What is chemical energy produced by our body?

Q.18. Name some appliances which work with the help of electricity?

Q.19. What is the use of light energy?

Q.20. Give one use of a magnet?

Q.21. What is magnetic energy?

Q.22. What is elastic energy?

Q.23. Name some appliances in which electrical energy is converted to heat energy?

Q.24. Name some instruments in which electrical energy is converted to light energy?

Q.25. Name some machines in which electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy?

Q.26. Name some instruments in which electrical energy is converted to sound energy?

Q.27. Name some sources of energy?

Q.28. What is the effect of population on energy?

Q.29. Name some alternate ways and means to increase the supply of energy?

Questions : Matter and its Properties

 Matter and its properties

Q.1. What are the two important properties of matter?

Q.2. Give some examples of matter.

Q.3. Name the three states of matter.

Q.4. Why do solids have a definite shape?

Q.5. Name some solids?

Q.6. Name some liquids?

Q.7. What is the property of a liquid?

Q.8. Name some gases.

Q.9. Why does a gas fill up any space?

Q.10. What is the property of a gas?

Q.11. What are the properties in which matter is different?

Q.12. Name some substances which are soft to touch.

Q.13. Name some substances which are hard to touch.

Q.14. What are transparent things?

Q.15. What are opaque things?

Q.16. Name some transparent things?

Q.17. Name some opaque things?

Q.18. What are conductors? Name some conductors.

Q.19. What are insulators? Name some insulators.

Q.20. What are the materials that dissolve in water called?

Q.21. Name some substances which dissolve in water?

Q.22. Name two gases which dissolve in water.

Q.23. Name some substances which do not dissolve in water.

Q.24. Name a gas which does not dissolve in water.

Q.25. Tar dissolves in which liquid?

Q.26. Wax dissolves in which liquid?

Q.27. Iodine dissolves in which liquid?

Q.28. What is the name of the tiny particles which make up the matter?

Questions : The Changes in Weather

 The Changes in Weather

Q.1. What are the sources of heat for the earth?

Q.2. Why do we have warm weather in the summer?

Q.3. Why do we have cold weather in the winter?

Q.4. What is the relationship between weather and the sun?

Q.5. Which warms faster, sand or water?

Q.6. What determines the direction of winds near the sea?

Q.7. When is the weather humid and when is it dry?

Q.8. What causes mist?

Q.9. When does snowfall happen?

Q.10. What causes rainfall?

Q.11. What is estivation?

Q.12. What is hibernation?

Q.13. Name two trees which shed their leaves in summer.

Q.14. Which plants yield fruits in summer?

Q.15. Which weather destroys crops?

Q.16. Name some seasonal fruits.

Questions : Soil Erosion and Conservation

 Soil Erosion and Conservation

Q.1. What kind of soil is present in different parts of the earth?

Q.2. What is topsoil?

Q.3. What forms the topsoil?

Q.4. What is subsoil?

Q.5. What is weathering?

Q.6. Which factors break the bigger particles of rocks to smaller particles?

Q.7. What is soil erosion?

Q.8. What is the name given to the soil deposited by rivers?

Q.9. Name the regions of India which are fertile due to silt.

Q.10. How are soil particles transported from one place to another?

Q.11. What is deforestation?

Q.12. How plants prevent soil erosion?

Q.13. What are the effects of soil erosion?

Q.14. How can we prevent soil erosion?

Q.15. What is done to make the water flow slowly on hill slopes?

Questions : Safety and First Aid

 Safety and First Aid

Q.1. How does an accident happen?

Q.2. How can we avoid accidents?

Q.3. What precautions should be taken with medicines?

Q.4. What safety should we observe while doing domestic work?

Q.5. Which kind of clothes should we not wear near a fire?

Q.6. What safety measures should be observed while dealing with fire?

Q.7. What precautions should we observe with electric stove, kettle or heater?

Q.8. What precautions should be observed with an electric rod?

Q.9. What should we do immediately if we receive a shock?

Q.10. What precautions should be observed with electric lamp posts?

Q.11. What safety measures should be followed while dealing with electricity?

Q.12. What safety measures should be followed while flying kites?

Q.13. What safety measures should we follow while playing?

Q.14. Should we swim immediately after meals?

Q.15. What safety measures should we follow while swimming?

Q.16. What should and should not, to mend our pencil?

Q.17. What safety measures should we follow at school?

Q.18. How should we cross a road?

Q.19. How should we cross the road at a corner?

Q.20. What safety measures should we follow on the road?

Q.21. What safety should be followed while traveling by bus or train?

Q.22. Give an example of a small accident and one of a severe accident.

Q.23. What is First aid?

Q.24. What aid should we give to the persons who have met with accidents?

Q.25. What should we do if there is bleeding from a cut or a wound?

Q.26. Which antiseptic should be applied when the bleeding stops?

Q.27. What should we do if fainting occurs?

Q.28. Which powder should be used to cover a wound?

Q.29. What are called burns?

Q.30. What are called scalds?

Q.31. How should we treat burns and scalds?

Q.32. How should we treat cuts?

Q.33. Which solution should we use to wash the injured part due to insect bites?

Q.34. Which mixture should be put on the wounded part due to insect bites?

Q.35. What are the contents of a first aid box?

Questions : Clothing


Q.1. What is the purpose of wearing clothes?

Q.2. What makes clothes attractive?

Q.3. What materials are used to make cloth?

Q.4. What is the source of cotton and jute?

Q.5. How are clothes made from cotton?

Q.6. In which season do we wear cotton clothes?

Q.7. What is used to make jute cloth?

Q.8. Name some things which are made from Jute cloth?

Q.9. From where do we get silk?

Q.10. What is the length of the Silk thread produced by a silkworm?

Q.11. Name a thing made from Silk?

Q.12. What are the properties of a Silk cloth?

Q.13. Wool is obtained from which animal?

Q.14. What are the things made from wool?

Q.15. What is the property of woolen cloth?

Q.16. What is the process by which wool is obtained?

Q.17.What is the process of making cloth from wool?

Q.18. What are synthetic fibres or man-made fibres?

Q.19. Name some varieties of synthetic fibres?

Q.20. What are the properties of cloth made from synthetic fibres?

Q.21. What is used to spun threads of cotton?

Q.22. Which machines are used to weave cloth?

Q.23. Where do we find Handlooms and Powerlooms?

Q.24. Where are huge machines used to manufacture cloth?

Q.25. What is the use of ready-to-wear garments?

Q.26. Name some ways by which we should look after our clothes?

Q.27. What is used to protect woolen and silk cloth from silverfish?


Questions : Clean Drinking Water

 Clean Drinking Water

Q.1. What is the most abundant substance on the earth?

Q.2. What are the uses of water?

Q.3. Which liquid is found in all the organs of the human body?

Q.4. What happens when the water in the blood is insufficient?

Q.5. What are the processes by which water is lost from your body?

Q.6. Name some diseases which are spread through water.

Q.7. What are the sources of water?

Q.8. What makes the rainwater impure initially?

Q.9. Which establishments pollute the water of rivers and lakes?

Q.10. What are the ways by which the drinking water of tanks and rivers get polluted?

Q.11. Which kind of water do we get from Wells and hand pumps?

Q.12. How can we get clean and pure drinking water at home?

Q.13. Which gas is used to treat tap water?

Q.14. What processes are needed to make tap water safe for drinking?

Q.15. What is the source of drinking water in towns and cities?

Q.16. Why is drinking water chlorinated?

Q.17. Explain, how increased population leads to pollution of water?

Q.18. Explain steps by which we can avoid wastage of water.

Questions : Our Teeth

 Our Teeth

Q.1. How are teeth useful to us?

Q.2. What are called milk teeth?

Q.3. What are permanent teeth?

Q.4. How many kinds of teeth does a person have?

Q.5. What is the other name of cutting teeth?

Q.6. How many cutting teeth do we have in each jaw?

Q.7. What is the other name of tearing teeth?

Q.8. How many tearing teeth do we have in each jaw?

Q.9. What is the other name of grinding teeth?

Q.10. How many grinding teeth do we have in each jaw?

Q.11. What is enamel?

Q.12. What is a tartar?

Q.13. Why are permanent teeth important to us?

Q.14. What are the simple rules to avoid tooth decay?

Q.15. What happens when our teeth decay?

Q.16. What are the five golden rules for healthy teeth?

Questions : Food : Cooking and Preservation

 Food: Cooking and Preservation

Q.1. What is the use of cooking?

Q.2. Name some things which can be eaten raw?

Q.3. What are the different methods of cooking?

Q.4. Which substances are cooked in boiling water?

Q.5. What is prepared by baking?

Q.6. Name two substances which are roasted?

Q.7. Name one substance which is prepared by steaming?

Q.8. Why should vegetables not be over cooked?

Q.9. Which vitamins are lost by cooking in water?

Q.10. Which vitamins are lost by cooking in steam?

Q.11. Which vitamins are lost by cooking in a pressure cooker?

Q.12. Which vitamins are lost by dry roasting?

Q.13. What is lost by baking?

Q.14. Which vitamin is lost by puffing?

Q.15. What eating habits should be followed for eating fruits and raw vegetables?

Q.16. What is spoilt by moulds?

Q.17. What is spoilt by yeast?

Q.18. What is spoilt by bacteria?

Q.19. What spoils the food?

Q.20. Which conditions are favorable for spoilage of food?

Q.21. What are some methods of preserving food?

Q.22. How does an electric refrigerator works?

Q.23. What is Canning?

Q.24. What is pickling?

Q.25. What is salting?

Q.26. Why are fruit jams used throughout the year?

Q.27. What is the use of chemical preservatives?

Q.28. What is drying?

Q.29. Name some vegetables which can be preserved by drying.

Q.30. What is boiling?

Q.31. Name some food grains which are dried to preserve.

Questions : Food and Digestion

 Food and Digestion

Q.1. How is food helpful to us?

Q.2. On what factors does the food habits of people depend?

Q.3. What should be the content of our food?

Q.4. What are rich in carbohydrates?

Q.5. What are fuel foods?

Q.6. Which food contains sugar?

Q.7. Which food contains starch?

Q.8. What are fats?

Q.9. What are called tissue foods?

Q.10. Which food contains proteins?

Q.11. What is the source of mineral salts for us?

Q.12. What is the use of mineral salts?

Q.13. What is the use of vitamins?

Q.14. Which vitamins dissolve in water?

Q.15. Which vitamins dissolve in fats?

Q.16. What are called the protective foods?

Q.17. Why do we need vitamin A?

Q.18. What are the sources of vitamin A?

Q.19. Why do we need Vitamin C?

Q.20. What are the sources of Vitamin C?

Q.21. Why do we need Vitamin D?

Q.22. What are the sources of Vitamin D?

Q.23. Why do we need calcium?

Q.24. What are the sources of calcium?

Q.25. Why do we need iron?

Q.26. What are the sources of iron?

Q.27. What is roughage?

Q.28. Why is roughage important to us?

Q.29. How is water important to us?

Q.30. What is the result of lack of vitamins in our food?

Q.31. What is malnutrition?

Q.32. What is 'Mid Day Meal Scheme'?

Q.33. What are the simple rules to grow well?

Q.34. How are proteins helpful to our body?

Q.35. What carries the food constituents to all parts of our body?

Q.36. What is digestion of food?

Q.37. What are digestive organs?

Q.38. What is the digestive system?

Q.39. What is the other name of digestive system?

Q.40. Which organs form the alimentary canal?

Q.41. What is the use of saliva?

Q.42. What is the function of the stomach?

Q.43. What is the length of the small intestine?

Q.44. Where is the digestion of food completed?

Q.45. What is the use of the large intestine?

Q.46. What is the use of anus?

Questions : Our Earth and Sky - Solar System

  Our earth and Sky - Solar System Q.1. What do you observe by looking at the sky? Q.2. What Twinkle at the night in the sky? Q.3. What are ...